Cavalier Viso Jalapa cigars are a premium cigar brand that is known for its unique and complex flavor profile. These cigars are part of the Cavalier Geneva brand family and are made using carefully selected tobacco leaves from the Jalapa region in Nicaragua. The Viso Jalapa cigar features a Nicaraguan wrapper, a binder from the Dominican Republic, and filler tobaccos from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The Jalapa tobacco used in the blend is known for its distinct flavour profile, which includes notes of wood, earth, and spice. The Cavalier Geneve Black Series Viso Jalapa line from Cavalier Genève is a complex medium to full bodied cigar from Sebastien Decoppet. Marked with his signature 24 karat gold leaf diamond, that can be smoked, is always an eye-catching and unique experience.
These cigars are known for their smooth and balanced smoking experience.